Sentiment Analysis
with Unmatched Accuracy

85% + Sentiment Determination
95% + Feature Detection

When most solutions are still guessing, OpinionEQ stands alone.

The SMI Decision Platform

Finally, a solution based on advanced semantic and linguistic research focusing on the problem of collecting, interpreting, and structuring both Web and real time communications to determine what consumers are saying and how they are saying it.

Brand Intelligence

Brand Intelligence

Businesses have spent billions of dollars carefully crafting their brand image to establish a specific reputation. With modern communication trends, even highly regarded brands are at risk.

Marketing Intelligence

Marketing Intelligence

Social Media Intelligence has become a strategic tool that every major advertising agency, digital media company, and strategic consulting company will need to have in their arsenal to remain competitive in the future.

Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence

To effectively position a product or a service, a business must know how it stacks up against its competition. With social media intelligence, businesses can now collect timely, valuable insights into what the competition is doing.

In the News

July 11, 2010 FIFA World Cup provides stream of sentiments for real-time analysis.
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May 11, 2010 Carnegie Mellon research shows accuracy of leading edge sentiment analysis tools.
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Learn how OpioninEQ's sentiment analysis tools bring powerful value to business intelligence in real world situations.
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See how modern sentiment analysis tools are transforming business practices and how they can benifit your enterprise.

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